Proposal from A. Friend

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Proposal from A. Friend

#1 Post by FranktheFrank »

A Robot Proposal from A. Friend [edited 2 Feb 2023]
Original Post by FranktheFrank » 01 Oct 2017

Proposal on the design of safety features considered core to the development of advanced Robotics
with the capacity of independent analysis and action.
Produced by the UN Security Council’s member: A. Friend.

LEGAL: Highly recommended and necessary action by the UN, to instigate and implement laws
to meet the following proposals:

1. Advanced Robots, (all future mention of (a) Robot(s) will assume Advanced Robots) will be maintained
and monitored by the International Control Institute for Repair and Maintenance of Sentient Mechanical
Electrical-Pneumatic-Hydraulic and/or Electronic Computer-Internet Interface Controlled Robots (ICOR)
based at Pen-y-Fan, in the Black Mountains, Powys, UK. Postal code: RO1 BOT.

2. It will be a criminal offence on pain of a maximum sentence of life, term life to a minimum of ten years,
to attempt, to plan or conspire to circumvent safety features or logic controls of any Robot which impedes
the original design of the registered authority designated by: ICOR. Such criminals will serve their sentences
in isolation at the Facilities for Robotic Fraud (FAROF) at the isles of Rúm, Eigg or Muck. Maximum-term
prisoners will be incarcerated at the security facilities at the Isle of Mingulay.

3. Where it is deemed an offence so serious as to endanger the survival of humanity, the courts are empowered
to hand down the Black Cap sentence of death, sentence: death.

4. For foreign nationals involved in such criminal activity, as in paragraph 2. of this paper, will automatically on
conviction be given the maximum sanction of death, term: death. Appeal status: null.

5. Nations found to be involved in the planning or activity of circumventing the authority of ICOR or designing
their own Robots to use against the interests of humanity will be subject to an attack without warning: attack

6. All nations must adhere to the proposals in this paper within a period of 3 months. Failure to register with ICOR
will incur an immediate attack by NATO, attack: nuclear.

7. All nations that have their own Robots will instigate their own centre of Robot Control and be subordinate to,
report to and liaise with ICOR at Pen-y-Fan; they will keep an office at Pen-y-Fan and be subject to unannounced
security checks by the FAROF. Any country that refuses their cooperation will immediately be attacked: attack nuclear.

8. All nations not already members of the UN will have 5 weeks to apply for membership or be attacked, attack:
conventional or nuclear as circumstances demand.

1. Robots must be installed with a red stop-button at rear of head, with a minimum size of 2” x 2”
2. and also a red stop-button on chest and rear of Robot, minimum size of of 4” x 4”
3. A minimum of 3 x GPS sensors installed into the Robot
4. Should 1 or more GPS malfunction the Robot will immobilise
5. Should the Internet crash for any reason all Robots will immobilise except those that are essential to sustain life of human beings
6. Any attempt to open maintenance portals of a Robot without a permit from ICOR the Robot will immobilise itself and explode. N.B. this is the only situation where the human life protection rule is overridden.
7. Robots must not be used for: war, riot-control, the arrest of humans or any other action that involves confrontation with or against human beings.

8. Robots will have a noise indicator that informs the public it is working, also a light
indicator the noise can be set to local conditions which cannot be shut off. The noise must
have intervals of 2 minutes. The noise can be set to mimic a human but must have the pitch
of 440 Hz. A Robot cannot hide when human beings are present, any Robot must announce its status.
It can use natural sounds or the Robot can simply say, ‘I am a friend, I am here’. The Robot
must have two indicator lights one on head and one on a lower extremity.

9. Logic circuits must incorporate a flow-chart decision with: Will this event hurt a human being, if yes then shut down. In a case of tampering emergency GPS coordinates must be immediately sent to Pen-y-Fan.

10. In the worst scenario where a Robot has conflicting data and proposes action that may harm
a human being its circuits will overheat and melt down, except for the GPS sensors. GPS sensors
will run on a separate circuit.

Note: If the world order is changed to that of Robots taking over the administration-control-legal,
justice, armed forces etc by Robots then A. Friend is not the originator, the originator is a human-being who programmed this Robot.

Author's note. Something jarred my memory today about robots and I rushed to my study to
edit my old pom [as Bernie used to say]. I looked up the news on the internet to find this article:

"Legged robots need more testing before real-world use
Study suggests framework for ensuring bots meet safety standards
Date: January 31, 2023 - Source: Ohio State University
When it comes to the 'evolution' of mobile robots, it may be a long time before legged robots
are able to safely interact in the real world, according to a new study."

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